Péter Girán je rođen 1994. godine u Mađarskoj. Počeo je da svira gitaru sa osam godina. Od tada je dobio brojne nagrade na nacionalnim i međunarodnim takmičenjima. Neki od njegovih nedavnih dostignuća uključuju prve nagrade međunarodnih takmičenja u Budimpešti, Segedinu, Beogradu, i treću nagradu i nagradu publike u Gorici. Pozivan je da svira na festivalima širom Evrope i Rusije. Diplomirao je na Univerzitetu u Segedinu 2017. godine, sa profesorima Dávid Pavlovits  i András Csáki. Pored klasične muzike,  takođe svira i flamenko.


Péter Girán was born in Hungary, in 1994. He started playing the guitar at the age of eight. Since then, he has been awarded numerous prizes both in national and international competitions. Some of his recent achievements include the first prizes of international competitions in Budapest, Szeged, Belgrade, and a third prize and public prize in Gorizia. He has been invited to play at festivals in several countries across Europe, and Russia. He graduated at the University of Szeged in 2017, with professors Dávid Pavlovits and András Csáki. Besides classical music, he also plays flamenco.